Advertising Management in the Basque Online Press. Vocento and Noticias Groups

Aitor Castañeda's paper in Disinformation and Credibility in the Dygital Ecosystem - XII Internacional Conference on Online Journalism (University of the Basque Country [UPV/EHU], November 2020). Proceedings edited by Koldobika Meso, Simón Peña and Ainara Larrondo, Servicio Editorial de la UPV/EHU (ISBN: 978-84-1319-284-0), pages 51-61

Abstract available in the Proceedings Book (978-84-09-24825-4), edited by Mr. Meso, Mr. Peña and Ms. Larrondo (2020), p. 20

Abstract. This research analyzes digital advertising’s management in the Basque Country’s biggest information groups: Vocento and Noticias. Digital advertising is one of the most important financial sources at the press. However, online journalism has not a unified business model. We pretend to know ads-contracting processes, formats, technology and results-measuring in the Basque Country’s principal diaries. Using structured interviews, we obtain information from commercial directors of CM (Vocento) and Editorial Iparraguirre (Noticias), who give their answers to research questions. Both interviewees clarify the versatility of digital advertising, preferring multi-screen formats for ads, and Cost Per Mille impressions as the best indicator to measure advertising effectiveness. Besides, they consider subscriptions the only way to avoid advertising during navigation, and branded content as the leading financial source with advertising for the press.

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